Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Night to Remember

This is a picture of the Titanic. But it's not just the Titanic. It is half of the Titanic. It's a picture of it sinking. All of those little boats are the lifeboats. I know that Captain Edward John Smith died. The Titanic came from France, it was headed to New York City and that's when it sunk. I'll tell you how it sunk. First it hit the iceberg. Then the end that hit the iceberg went under the water a little bit. Then they started throwing out the lifeboats. Then one end of it went way up in the sky, probably even whacked the moon. Then the part above the water broked in half and then it sunk. The Queen Mary is kind of like the Titanic, but it was in World War 2. Maybe I can tell you about that one later.


w said...

Love the title of this post!