Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some things I've learned in History

I really like history. Well you probably already know that because of all the Titanic stuff on my blog.

This is what I've learned in history. I've learned about Pearl Harbor. I've learned about WW2. I've learned about WW1. I've learned about the Vietnam War.
I've learned about the Civil War. I've learned about the American Revolution. I've learned about George Washington. I've learned about Abraham Lincoln. I've learned about Woodrow Wilson and all of the other presidents, but there is too many to write down.

I've learned about the Titanic, the Challenger, Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr. , Michael Jackson, the Napoleonic Wars.

I've learned about the Native Americans.

I've learned about the ancients. Ancient Rome, ancient Greece, Ancient China and Ancient Egypt. I know Ancient Egypt didn't like the Israelites.

I learned the Japanese dropped bombs on Pearl harbor. Many people died. It caused the US to be in WW2. I know what kind of weapons they would fight with in that war. Tanks, guns, planes, ships. One of the ships they used was called the Queen Mary. The Arizona was sunk in Pearl Harbor. My mom has seen it under the water there. It's not that deep. She showed me pictures from her trip. Pearl Harbor happened on December 7th, but we are talking about it today, on December 8th.

I know which presidents were shot. Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. But Ronald Reagan didn't die.

I know which presidents fought in wars.
George Washington was in the American Revolution.
John Kennedy and George Bush were in WW2. John Kennedy's brother Joe got killed in WW2.
Andrew Jackson died in a duel.
Theodore Roosevelt was in the Spanish American War.

There is a lot more that I've learned about but I'll have to tell you more later.